18 October 2012


Grandma and Grandpa came from out of town for Dash's blessing and we've snagged a few shots of each other over the last few days.  Dash is getting plenty of attention I think.  :)

Grandma's been working hard upholstering two chairs and she took a break to put Dash to sleep - she took a quick nap with him too.

A Blessing

Dash was blessed Sunday, October 14, 2012.
We were grateful for those who are close enough to come and were able to celebrate with us.  
Dash was bored or really loved church and wanted to behave so we'd bring him back because he slept all 3 hours except for a few minutes when he ate.  
I'm not expecting this every week, but any repeats are welcome. ;)

Thanks to Grandma for making his blessing outfit.
Bryce did wonderful and it brought a little tear to my eye.  So proud of my boys.

Reminiscing Already

A few of my wannabe professional pictures of Dash.  He is 5 days old I think.

I'm surprised with how much he's grown in these 6 weeks.  After rediscovering these I've realized I need to take some recents.  

04 October 2012

1 day old and the kid's got skills.

He can also toot like a grown man; with power and gumption. :)  I unfortunately do not have a video or sound bite of this yet.  If you meet him in person, I'm sure it won't be long until you experience it first hand.  

We sure are proud parents! haha

Dash. A Short story by Bryce.

So this post is a month late.  I knew it'd been a while since I'd put anything up, but I guess I didn't realize just how long it'd been.

Dash officially joined our family September 2 at 9:07 pm.  He weighed 6lb 9oz and was 19.5 inches long.

The delivery started slow - so slow almost nothing was happening, but Dash earned his name in the end.  In an hour I went from being 2.5 to delivering him.

Here's a story about Dash's 2nd day of being home.  Story by Bryce, photos by Bryce.

Time to wake Dash up for some photos...

Relaxing and chilling

 Then I tell him he has to take some photos...

 I told him he could watch The Incredibles if he cooperates.

He changed his mind.

 (so I took a few pictures)

Alright Dad, that's enough already.

 (After changing locations...)
Then I went back and took a few color photos before he pooped his pants. I changed him for the first time and it was messy... I got some on my hands. I'll figure it out eventually.

I think he's pooping his pants here...

And he thought it was pretty funny.

  The End.