03 December 2008

Fun in Kentucky! (no, it's not an oxymoron)

I got a little appeitite for something different by the time November rolled around. Lucky for me the best opportunity in the world presented itself and I took it. Jenifer flew in from UT the same week as my friend Molly was going to be available to play. I gave plenty notice at work and told them the day before that I would be taking two days off of work. I left my house at 3:30 A.M. and arrived just in time for some breakfast! It was a great change of pace to be with some family in Kentucky for a few days. Sadly, it was only for a day and a half. I'll take what I can get! Molly was a great host. We had some Trivial Pursuit adventures and I won - that's right Molly - it came back to bite ya. :) My arm was sore for a couple days after the Wii, and I passed out gingerbread contest flyers for PBS (for 5 hrs) with Molly on a cloudy, 37 high, Saturday. I got treated with free dinners and great company. Thanks Molly and Eric for being so cool. And thank you Amy, Jared, Pierce, and Megan for feeding me lunch on Sunday and for the entertainment/excitement. Your house echoes really well when kids scream. :) Sadly, there are no real pictures beside my hair cut, which is super cute and another real perk to being around Jenifer. If you've experienced it then you know what I'm talking about! Driving home I had my back seat down to make room for a chair, shell chandelier, and some vases. Thanks Ma! I do have pictures of those.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you said you had pictures of your haircut! I am VERY proud of you for all your posts today though. Good work. I thoroughly enjoyed them all. You have inspired me to go ties some bows on something.
