03 December 2008

25% off and another 50% before Noon!

My first Black Friday (dun-dun-dun-duh) experience. We decided since Bryce LOVES to shop and LOVES even more to be around large gatherings of people to go experience some Black Friday madness and get some deals. Ok, mainly, I made him get up early so we could go to an outlet mall south of us so we could buy him some new clothes for his new job (where he can't get away with wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and whatever he throws on) when nice things would be a bit cheaper. We scored a deal at the first place. We saved $94 on three pairs of pants from Bass. They are really nice pants - wrinkle free out of the dryer and fit him well. We actually didn't save $94, because we wouldn't bought them if they weren't on sale. We really just found some really nice pants for $18. That's what I'm talking about. I found some nice stuff at half off and maybe 60%off, but my best deal was probably a nice peacock colored cardigan from Ann Taylor for $11. No, there were no missing buttons or holes in the armpits. No pictures of this excitement - shopping was enough to fill his excitement reserve for at least another 3 months. Bryce bought his shirts at Banan Republic - a first for him. He's just steppin' up in this world isn't he?!


  1. You better be careful. It starts out with one shirt at Banana and pretty soon they won't shop anywhere else :)

  2. sounds like you had a great shopping experience. I had to rein in my black friday shopping because we were in MN and I had to get it all back here on the airplane.

    Matt is excited for a new carpool buddy tomorrow, remind Bryce that he has the scripture tomorrow on the way in :D
