11 November 2008

Smokin' Buns...well burgers in this case

I decided to do something better for dinner since I'm tired of the ol' rice and chicken or noodles and chicken dinner so we did Hamburgers tonight with all the fixins including bacon. I didn't have a tomato so the Ketchup made up for it. And we don't have a grill so I broiled them. The exciting part of the night was the smoke dector blaring in our house. They made the smoke detector go off so we had a couple doors open and fans on, and Bryce had a broom waving it around the smoke dector so it'd quit beeping. That was sort of comical - definitely moreso for me than for Bryce. Pretty exciting. I've never broiled anything so maybe next time there will be less smoke :) They tasted pretty decent though. They were moist and not dry and not too flat. We mixed garlic powder, salt, pepper, and one egg in with the meat. If you have any good burger recipes, hand them over!


  1. Yum, love homemade burgers. I don't really have recipes because I just mix in whatever I have but one thing I really like are chopped green onions in them. Not sure if you're a fun but Rachael Ray has a million and a half burger recipes...check them out sometime you're bored.

  2. Awesome burgers! I love the title. You said smokin' buns. :)

    Next time snag a pic of Bryce waving the broom. :)
