23 December 2011

A Lazy Saturday and an Early Christmas

Exactly one week ago I had the laziest day of my life - and I hated it.  Bryce loved it and it was probably by far one of his favorite days in the last month.  I guess that's a good illustration of our different personalities. :)

After being busy all the time Bryce wants to sleep in, kick back in the recliner, watch Hulu, eat, and nap occasionally.  Not once having to clean or do any sort of physical activity, and especially not having to leave the house (which means he can chill in his underwears or sweats all day) last Saturday was such a day.

After being busy you'd think a nice lazy day would be welcome.  No.  I had a free day all to myself to do whatever I wanted, to get things done around the house that had been neglected, and to waste time ripping pages from magazines and dreaming up ideas for the unpainted rooms in my house.

I did none of this.

Today was different.  I realize it's a Friday not a Saturday, but I wasn't about to let the day go by and not get things done.  I had a list in my head last night and I woke up and got out of bed at 8 this morning.  Dusted, vacuumed, swept, mopped, cleaned counters and the oven, cleaned all the bathrooms, cleared clutter and sorted clutter, completed 3 loads of laundry, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher and was done in time for lunch.  Now that's what I'm talking about.  

So, for the remainder of the day I will be lazy with my husband who was lucky and was able to work half a day today.  I will read blogs, and dream dreams of divine homes.  And I will enjoy it.  

I can't post this with out defending one part of last Saturday.  I did cook a full meal.  I received a gift box from Gullah Gourmet, Inc. out of Charleston, SC.  I received bags of mix for Gullah Gullah Gumbo and Aunt Maggie's Sweet Cornbread.  It came with Peppa Jam.  Pretty good if I say so myself.

Bryce and I were not raised on southern cuisine and neither of us have had gumbo, so we thought we'd give it a try, so I went to cookin'.  I had rice and da gumbo sauce a cookin' while I mixed da cornbread badda up good fashion and cooked dem cornbread muffins.  MMmm.  Shrimp would've been delicious had we had some, but alas, we did not.  

The packaging is super cool and I loved the directions although I had to read a sentence and translate it so I knew what to do.   :)

When husband came home early today he had with him two surprise gifts for me for an early Christmas and, as always, he did the best wrapping job.  He has some serious skills people.

 Bet you can't guess what it is!

When Bryce tells me he has a surprise for me I usually, immediately, get a little apprehensive because this one thinks he's a jokester.  But once I know it's a real, actual, good surprise I get excited after feeling bad that I don't have something for him.  I worry less now because he knows I don't like glitter and that everything should not be pink, just because I'm a girl and girls should like pink, glittery things. :)  Also, I've learned, that when he announces he is getting or has a surprise for me, not to start guessing because I ruined a couple and it makes him very sad.

Today's surprise is from Z Gallerie and the man had to literally hunt for this ceramic taxidermy.  He knew I had seen some in a store that I liked and that I told him I wanted to find some heads for our bedroom.  He couldn't remember where it was, but he googled it and eventually found his way to Z Gallerie and located 1 of the 3 stores in Georgia (luckily it was 15 minutes from his work) and braved the crowds and people to get it for me.  He also asked for the moose head, but they were out so he went with a Rhino head.  While the box said Rhino head, it was really a 19" long full rhino ceramic figure.  So, Bryce got a surprise of his own with that one.  We may return for a head or we may keep it...still debating.

Past surprises:
A purse I wanted at TJ Maxx but did not buy at the time.
similar sweet wrapping job - this my first birthday after we were married.
A Christmas Tree for our first Christmas
An iPod ready with music downloads - I guessed this one and ruined it.
A new digital camera when my other one's battery wouldn't keep a charge very long.  Let the record show that he bought it soon after he had to use my failing camera for engine pictures and it frustrated him.

There are others, but like the good wife I am, I can't remember them all right now.

He's good at wrapping and he's good with gifts.  And I like receiving his gifts.  That's why we're so good together.  :)

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