12 January 2011

Shiny snow

Most roads are clear now.  After two days of businesses closed (I dusted and vacuumed the house, slid down a hill on the ice/snow, hung a curtain rod, read some stuff, got some church things organized and slept), both Bryce and I had delayed openings and reported to work at 9 for me and 10 for him.  We got above freezing today and the sun was out so the ice/scary spots I drove this morning were gone this afternoon.  The snow is kind of cool looking though because the ice layer on top is all shiny and pretty.  Here are the quick pictures I took in all of 10 seconds because it's cold out there with no coat on.

  Oh yeah, and here's a picture of me before going out into the cold.  I would post Bryce's but he asked me not too and I'm kind of with him on that - it was pretty awful.  He had a sweet 80's plaid jacket and a hat with ear flaps and his face was pricelss.


  1. Love the pictures! Sure is pretty it just shouldn't hurt. Oh and you can just email us that sweet picture so we can enjoy it! I won't tell. haha

  2. Wow, the snow looks cool since it's in a picture and I don't have to go out and drive on it.

    Your outfit, in a word, hot. :) From the description of Bryce's outfit it sounds like he was trying to channel the kid from "Christmas Story".
