22 December 2010

Oppo knocked-off spells Poop

Bryce shared this discovery with me and I didn't believe it until I saw it.  This phone is a knockoff of the Oppo phone (I've never heard of it either).  I guess the knockoff department thought they'd be clever and switch the Os and Ps.  Which left them with the Poop phone. Good job.

The Worst Name for a Knockoff Cellphone, Ever

And just in time for the gift-giving, holiday season Engadget has given a gift of its own: Engadget's Holiday Anti-Gift Guide.  Seriously, I love whoever wrote this.  Here's a teaser.
Toshiba Regza 12GL1You can tell everyone within earshot that this is a highly innovative piece of technology, that it delivers a glasses-free 3D picture and all that, but it ain't gonna change the fact that Toshiba's 12GL1 is a 12-inch screen with a 466 x 350 resolution. Seriously, read that again. We've had bigger displays than that in our bathrooms since the '80s. If you want to inflict a tiny screen with a prissy 3D tech -- in our experience, the GL1 loses its luster with only minimal movement off center -- this is most definitely the high-end item you're looking for.

Price: ¥120,000 ($1,431)

Or for you iPhone lovers:
iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition - $7.75m

Stuart Hughes maintains his position on our annual anti-gift guide by going even further into the land of exorbitant prices for extravagant phones. Costing nearly $8 million, his iPhone 4 boasts 500 flawless diamonds, a rose gold back, a solid granite case, and absolutely no appreciation for things like economics or subtlety.

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