17 September 2010


This post is pointless as are much of my other ones.  We had a pretty sudden down pour and I had to run to Home Depot to get some nimeral spirits for the stain I used on a bamboo pole (you'll see it in a future post as a curtain rod) and got all over myself and the sink.  This makes me think I should do a post every once in a while about things I do that are dumb, realize are dumb and then go on and do them anyway...things that people say, "Only Cec would do that" or in Bryce's case, "...you wouldn't be PewperZ if you didn't do that."  I've got a long laundry list and I'm sure more will come.  Ok, so I'll save that for another post - we all know I'm dragging on the posting so I'll get my tally up for the month. :) 

Back to my pointless post:  While leaving Home Depot I looked around to check out the storm clouds and saw this.
My intiial thought was something was on fire and that was some serious smoke...

No.  it's a cloud.  Super long one that went across the interstate and dispersed into little fluffly clouds.  Crazy looking to me.
This is the other end of it from where I was at the stop light.  I didn't get a picture of the end.

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