09 July 2010

Help I need help

The packaging and labeling is clever and cute. The website is entertaining.  It has little surprises everywhere. 

A few I found:
- on the welcome screen/home page click the boxes to change colors..make them match?  click too many times and the box disappears.  make them all disappear....
- definitely go under the "bored" heading
- I want the shirt that says Help I have nothing to wear.
- I know someone that needs the shirt "Help I'm bitter and need a table for one"
- I want to make one for the next Blauser Reunion, but Bryce won't let me post what it would say...

Proceed with Caution.  "Help someone" is funny, but a few are inappropriate - we know we all have the freedom of speech and some don't know how to use it and not abuse it.  There are some good solid gems though in these help ads.

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