07 March 2010

"So give me wuch ya promised..." Dancing with Tyce Diorio

There are perks to living in Atlanta I guess. One of them would be Dance 101 a really cool dance studio a friend of mine and I discovered and enjoy going to occassionally. Another perk connected to this is Emmy winner Tyce Diorio. He is really cool and fun and a great dancer/choreographer. I feel priviledged to have gotten this opportunity. And to prove that I did it here are some pictures. The girl in the second picture you may recognize as Mollee from So You Think You Dance season six. There was another guy from season 4, but I didn't watch back the and he was pretty cocky so I didn't care much....rude? sorry. We did a broadway jazz number, but it wasn't all jazz hands and stuff. Pretty fun choreography. I have a video of the dance if I can figure out a better way than uploading straight to here... I'm so impatient with uploading. The song is "I gotcha" from Fosse. **CORRECTION: here it is on YouTube from someone else...I'm in the back, off to the side (waiting my turn) standing up on the bench recording with my camera. :)
It was pretty awesome and only $40 for 2 hours. Oh, by they way, he told me in front of everyone that I have great feet...only to say my arms could be stronger. :) anything you say Tyce. "Where's the redhead with good feet?" "Your feet are great, but if you don't have strong arms to go with the feet then the feet don't get the credit..." I was by no means anywhere close to being one of the best dancers and I realize I will never be that good but I enjoy it and I'll take a compliment and critique from Tyce Diorio any day. :)


  1. That is super cool and as a fan of SYTYCD it is even cooler. Good work for doing the stuff you love.


  3. That's so awesome. I really should have gone. Greg would have died if he had to watch his kids 2 days in one week though. Do you want to go Thursday night?

  4. So Cool!!!!! You rock those feet! :)

  5. i remember going to one of your dance recitals back in the day...i'm glad you're doing it again!! i'm sure you rocked it!

  6. Hey, it's Laura Huntzinger here (Tim's wife). Hope you don't mind that I cruise on over here to see what you are up to every once in a while.
    I am interested in which guy from season 4 was there...we watched that season because Tim's cousin (on his mom's side) Chelsie was on it and got to the final 6. Now she's on Dancing with the Stars. I will just have to live vicariously through you. I danced once upon a time, pre-mommy bod. What a great experience for you!

  7. Laura - I know who you are :) I think its great you read my blog althought I don't update very often... Tyce introduced him and said his name but I don't remember. I actually watched the season with Chelsie (she was great) and I didn't recognize this guy at all so I probably heard him wrong. Sorry :(

    Ashley - that was middle school! haha I hope I'm better :)
