03 July 2009


I experienced the Big Apple and I loved it! Jen and I did a Sister's Weekend and I would report it as a great success. We did so much, I'm not sure I want to put it all here because I want to go to bed, so there will be some summaries and some picture montages. Add Image
Where we slept. 17th floor

Jen, getting interviews for the Today show.
Rockefeller Square...Jen's cute, she gets all the pictures
NY style deli sandwich - HUGE. Chutney Co.-Indian food

The squirrel who made us spill our chips while trying to defend them against said squirrel...what a turkey. Night time snack for all the walking we did - cheesecake. Yum!
Of course we hit up all the sample sales we could fit in! Shopping in NYC - very cool.
Cool buildings, Time Square where you can lounge in lawn chairs, more Times Square, the Plaza Hotel, (if a building has flags on it, it's important) cute houses where I would live, and firemen using the truck to water some potted plants on the roof. The empire state building, a parking lot in NYC, which is pretty cool. Also, the crazy amounts of street vendors outside our hotel Sunday morning.
Grand Central Station
Cafe Lalo - the one from "You've Got Mail" The best belgian waffles w/berries and whipped cream. That's what I'm talking about. Then we strolled through part of Central Park.


  1. I would agree - the trip was a great success! It was such a fun trip! Thanks for all the good times in the big apple!

  2. wow, fun times, I am a little jealous of all your fun trip taking!!!
    And, a DG sample sale? Really kinda sad I missed out on that one!

  3. So was Jen actually on tv or is that just the set up, don't get it. You looked like you second trip was as even more fun than the Boston one.... why the trips??

  4. AnonymousJuly 20, 2009

    ok, so are we friends or what? When are you taking me on a trip?? I am so jealous! I need a job with Delta.

  5. LOOKs like great fun especially when sisters are involved!
