19 March 2009

St. Patty's a wee bit late...

I'M KEEPING THE TRADITION ALIVE! I love the corned beef meal Mom ALWAYS fixed on St. Patrick's Day. Last year (also my first at preparing it all) I went all out with the cabbage in the colecannon and the extra cabbage on the side - will not go all out with the Irish soda bread *eek* - and ate 4 hours after getting home from work. This year, I simplified - plus, Bryce didn't like the colecannon b/c it had cabbage in it - and did the meat in a crock pot (definitely the way to go) and came home to only mashing potatoes. I also did the Irish cookies! Still really delicious and so much easier for only 2 people. i was excited to have corned beef sandwiches for lunch the next day or two, but we ate all the meat. All that's left is a bit of mashed potatoes. Thanks Mom for starting this awesome traditional meal! A belated Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! (oh, as a side note, we did both remember to wear green and Bryce went all out with a green on green striped shirt. I'm so proud of him.)

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