25 January 2009


I spent my birthday weekend in Utah with family and friends. Although the time management was bit off, I had fun and I'm pretty sure no one hates me. :) I got to spend time with some old roomies/friends, and saw my siblings and the one nephew. Isn't he lucky!? I spent Saturday afternoon with the friends in Sundance spotting Paris Hilton (she waved at us), Nick Cannon, Elijah Wood, Damien from Mean Girls, some people from TV shows that I don't remember their names. Oh, and Samantha Brown! I did recognize her. I'm not really good with the TV/celebrity things. If you go to Sundance take Ashley b/c she recognizes everyone and yells at them sometimes too... I finished off the day with Cafe Rio. Never a bad thing. :) Sunday I ate breakfast with Trisha and Scott in their cute little apartment. Thanks guys for letting me make it up to you! Thanks to the family for all the accommodations and for still loving me at the end of the day. Here are pictures I stole b/c I didn't take any on my camera. Photo credits to Holly and Ashley. The shuttle we took was a long and very crowded ride. We got to know a few strangers pretty well.
This is Alia Shawkat. Ashley knows her from a TV show, again, I don't know these people.

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