11 October 2008

A Hairy Situation (Bryce's contribution to this blog is the title. He would like everyone to know he helped.)

Well, I decided last night at 11 o'clock that it was time and I was going to chop my hair off! I got my appointment at Flaunt this morning and I must say I was surprised at how nervous I was to get it cut off. I blame it on the one really bad, short haircut I received my senior year of high school. I took some pictures out of magazines to help her. There it is - proof- 9 inches of proof. It's kind of weird to see your hair like that in front of you. It's different than it being on the floor in piles. I think it's quite the change and I love it! I may just maintain this style for a while instead of letting it grow again in my continual cycle. Here's a side shot also. I think I'm going to try and wear it slighty wavy/curly to church tomorrow. If it's cute I will post. :)

Stephanie, who cut my hair, thinned it a whole lot and said she was sure I wouldn't miss it. :) It's layered and slightly stacked. I have textured bangs again and best of all -- Bryce says I'm hot still :)

I think I need some new shoes and clothes to go with this new hair....


  1. It's really cute. I like it a lot. It will probably take a lot less time to do every morning too. Short hair is awesome.

  2. Id be happy to go shopping with you for new shoes and outfits! It did look cute curly today too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love it, it is so cute!

  5. It looks so good!! And ofcourse this calls for new outfits!!!

  6. I love your hair. The new shoes and clothes would be great, but if Bryce goes for that don't stop there. Get some new jewelry too. You know some great earrings or something to show off the way it shapes your face. Love it!

  7. HOT! I love it! It looks great!
