25 October 2008

Final Blowout

Thank you Debra and Liz - it wouldn't have been half as good without your help! The pictures are of the spread, one game I like to call "Mommy and baby" and the decorations we did in the Relief Society Room. It turned out cute. Shout out to Taryn for the clothesline idea. The baby is super cute - she was 5 weeks early. 4 lb 14 oz if I'm not mistaken. She hit 6 lbs today. Her little burpy cloth thing was cute so I took some pictures.


  1. It turned out so cute! And you had quite the spread, yum. Good work, you did my idea proud (I'm pretty sure that was Kentucky English :)

  2. Awe so cute. The little baby is soooo tiny ....

  3. Nice pics! looks like you were totally enjoying that babyfood!!!
