08 August 2008

Wedding Weekend

Ok all you complainers: I am updating my log! I promise I really have done some things since I last blogged. I'm not good with the pictures and I think they make for a more interesting post. So, since I don't have pictures I don't blog. Bryce is anti-picture so I go and enjoy trips to Lexington for the 4th of July, celebrating birthdays with friends and family, etc without pictures. I'm just keeping those memories to myself. Ok, so I'm selfish...Think what you would like. :)
Scott (my brother and last of the siblings to tie the knot) got sealed August 2nd in the Salt Lake City temple. Trisha (the lucky girl) actually had the opportunity twice to reject Scott, but she must really love him to say 'yes' each time. Thanks Trisha, for making Scott feel good about himself :) Now for some nostalgia...
Girl's Day out. Playing hard getting a mani/pedi. :)
There were 6 of us so they had to split us up. I'm trying to stop jerking my feet away from the lady sanding my feet. It tickled!
Getting pampered makes you hungry. Our family met up with Trisha's family for some awesome food at Bajio. Taryn and I shared a fantastic Mexican pizza. Mmmmmm!
Gavin had his sweet kicks on. This kid wears these boots everywhere. So, of course he got his picture taken a couple times -- he is a stud, after all. the boots topped it off :) The reason for the season! Trisha and Scott coming out of the temple. They are excited and we are excited. It's all for you Trisha that I searched for hours for brown and yellow clothes. It was for you that I almost had my life threatened at the mall. But it was soo worth it. All that and I still couldn't find a brown dress. You'll notice I'm in a skirt and shrug for the over all illusion of brown head-to-toe. Trisha still likes me so I guess we're good. Gavin and Grandpa! "PopPa" in Gavin. :) What a loverly candid shot! I'm just doing the Miley Cyrus pose. Peace. Ladies in Brown! Tricia did have a really cute dress but unfortunately did not make it in the picture. Gavin had to take a nap. What a selfish child...it's ok Tricia, I understand. The cake lady had a wedding to go to herself and thus couldn't stay and put the flowers on the cake. Lucky for us (and especially lucky for Trisha) we have our secret weapon: Taryn! Jen was a great project manager on this one as well. :) The rest of us kept right on partying and Grant took the opportunity to serenade us at the microphone. "Brown chicken, brown cow..." I dedicate this picture to you Grant. That was awesome. The cake! Yeah, he's special :) I just liked this picture. Couldn't play favorites so here's Tim and Tricia. Tricia's mad that she has to share her name...poor Tricia... My glamour shot. Why would I not post this!? Sorry boys, I'm already taken. :)
Photos by Jenifer Child
For more great photos by Jen, Mat, and Ben Child check out a few of my wedding pictures!!!


  1. cec! your hair is so long! i wish i could have been there to see you and all your fam! it looks like yall had a really great time! and i love your blog. and your jamba.

  2. I am so glad you had a good time.... You guys look like you have so much fun when you get together.
