13 June 2008

Listing my accomplishment

This past Saturday I decided I was going to conquer the popcorn ceiling in the last two bedrooms and the last bathroom. And I did it. The ceilings are not dated anymore and the dirty and very dusty part of decorating the house is finished forever. Forever. What a great feeling. :) I do still need to prime and paint the ceilings, but I'd much rather paint than sand. Who's with me?!


  1. I feel your pain and am very proud of you! We just drywalled and textured the ceiling in the kitchen and it was NOT fun. I was feeling bad for you having to scrape all yours! Did you retexture or did it just look ok with the popcorn gone?

  2. Yuck. That's awesome to get it done, forever done. It really helps to not have the popcorn. I'm with you. I'd rather paint than scrape. :)
