26 May 2008

Surprise! It's a girl..

Bryce realized how much he really does want a cat and I called a few pet stores, read a few ads online and then dropped it. About 3 hrs later Bryce said, "So, did you find you a kitty?" So I looked again for cats in the Covington area instead of up by Atlanta. Hillbilly Pets. Yes, Hillbilly Pets is the name of the place (I can't say store b/c it was definitely not a store) where we found her with a few other kittens for free. The name is perfect for the place. It was gross. We feel like we saved her, it was so bad. So, now we have a kitty. She's been really good, fun to play with, skittish though b/c it's new. Bryce says she's awesome and talkative. She meows and makes cute little noises when you talk to her, like she's talking back. Pretty cute. We have just named her Jamba.


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2008

    Awesome little kitty! He looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Cute kitty!! Is it a boy or a girl?

  3. It's a girl :) I'll change the title so people will know. Great idea Tricia!!

  4. I want one! I don't think Grant will let me though. I'll have to live through yours and Holly and Karleigh's new kittens.. you should check out pics of them on Holly's facebook if you haven't already.

  5. Cecily!!! I found your blog through Tim & Tricia's... Your kitty is so cute :) And your house is beautiful!

  6. HI your mom shared your blog with us. We just love it. That cat is smiling! amazingly cute. Rachel is into cats, I will share your site with her. YOur home is beautiful, great job.
